Satellite photo of globe at night with lights from cities

Alumni Groups

Lancaster University has more than 170,000 alumni in over 190 different countries worldwide.

With many established Alumni Groups, connect with your local co-ordinator, attend events and stay in touch with Lancaster University and other graduates in your area.

To receive information, please ensure that your address details are up-to-date. Update your details  or email

Find your Local Alumni Group

Set up a Local Alumni Group

A large number of Lancaster University alumni stay in contact with the university after graduation, and a great way of doing this is through our Alumni Groups.

The alumni groups operate in a number of countries, around the world, and each one functions differently.

If you are interesting in getting involved or becoming a co-ordinator, please read our Alumni Group Co-ordinator toolkit.

Attend an Alumni Event

Want to attend an event local to you? to make sure you receive your invitation.

Contact our Alumni team

For further information on our Alumni Groups or on becoming an Alumni Group Co-ordinator, contact:

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