News and Funding Opportunities


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New Due Diligence and acceptance of funding policy

The University has a revised due diligence process for research and enterprise activities and a new policy on acceptance of funding for external research and enterprise activities.

Lancaster University places great value on our collaborative partnerships as these enrich our research and teaching. As a responsible research organisation, we need to understand who we are partnering with and assess any reputational, financial and operational risks involved. Additionally, there is increasing emphasis on and national security and we are required to have policies and processes for appropriate and proportionate risk-based due diligence on international partnerships and collaborations.

Our due diligence process is designed to assess and mitigate potential risks and provide assurance that partner organisations outside of the UK have the capacity, probity and expertise to carry out the activities requested of them. The RES website had further details on the due diligence process as well as information and guidance on Trusted Research and Innovation, Export Controls and due diligence. RES staff can also provide support and guidance so please contact them for information.

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