
Logo for the Research Excellence Framework 2021

REF 2021

The UK Government's Research Excellence Framework (REF) confirms Lancaster as a home of world-leading research.

REF 2021 rated 99% of Lancaster's overall research environment as 4* 'world leading' or 3* 'internationally excellent'. This includes support and training of research students, research integrity, equality and diversity, as well as facilities available to support research.

REF 2021 results

Introduction to REF

Research is central to all we do as a university, and the (REF) is an important way in which this work is recognised and rewarded.

The REF is a periodic measurement of research quality in universities and other higher education institutions in the UK against international standards of excellence. The REF outcomes are used by the UK Funding Councils to distribute their , and offer an objective picture of research quality across the UK. It first took place in 2014 and the next assessment will be conducted in 2021.

The REF 2021 result will greatly influence our competitive position and, thereby, affects our ability to continue to attract excellent staff and students. The result also determines how much ¡®QR’ funding we receive, which helps fund research and impact even when it is not supported by a research grant or contract. High quality research underpins our teaching, our reputation, and our contribution to society. Given the value of this exercise, it is important that we are well prepared to ensure our submission properly represents the research excellence at our university.

If you have any queries about REF2021 please email

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